Katarzyna Banach
Prezes zarządu, CEO

In HR Management, employee evaluation, survey of opinions
and satisfaction of human resources, competence and knowledge
management, outsourcing of the personnel function – for maximum
return on investment in human capital.
focus on
Moving from the cost center to the profit center.
The results of the European Survey of HR Practices and Trends ("HR Barometer") by Aon Hewitt, for several years now, indicate the existence of a gap between the new expectations that company boards set for the heads of HR departments and the real effects of the work of these departments.

Aby menedżerowie działów HR mogli objąć
interesującą ich pozycję – strategicznego
HR Biznes Partnera przy zarządzie spółki,
powinni mieć możliwość scedowania
części swoich zadań na zaufanych
ekspertów. Specjaliści Banach
Outsourcing dysponują odpowiednią
wiedzą i doświadczeniem,
by ich w tym wesprzeć.
In order for managers of HR departments
to be able to take an interesting position
– a strategic HR Business Partner at the
company's management board, they
should be able to assign some of their
tasks to trusted experts. Banach
Outsourcing specialists have the
appropriate knowledge and
experience to support
them in this.
Katarzyna Banach
President of the Management Board, CEO

The need to move from "forward thinking"
to taking "systemic actions".
The new tasks that have enriched the role and scope of HR managers in recent years mean the need to move from "forward-looking thinking" to taking "systemic actions". However, how can you be sure that you already have a sufficiently broad view of reality, allowing you to fully engage in strategic business assumptions, without risking drowning in a flood of personnel problems – which is not difficult in the case of personnel management? Experts talk about the need to focus on two aspects: results and savings.
Our HCM services
(human capital management)



Researching employee


Outsourcing of
personnel function
HR Management
We support our clients in the area of human capital management, using our knowledge and experience. Through a holistic approach to shaping the personnel potential, we increase the competitiveness of our clients. We take different points of view to see the strengths and actual obstacles in the personal area. Thanks to this, our solutions are tailored to the needs and potential of a given company, taking into account its specificity, size and stage of development.
Naszym głównym celem jest
realnie zwiększać efektywność
firmy, poprzez optymalne
zarządzanie kapitałem ludzkim.

Our main goal is to realistically
increase the efficiency of the
company through optimal
management of human capital.

Performance review
Making personnel decisions should be supported by cyclical employee assessments. We help companies create an optimal employee evaluation process, in which both the level of tasks performed as well as the attitudes and behaviors of employees are taken into account.
Our activities are aimed at ensuring that the
assessment process fulfills several key functions:
evaluation – assessment of the current and current level of work, quality, fulfillment of duties, assessment of suitability for work at the position,
development – assessment of the employee’s development opportunities in a given position,
information – checking the perception assessed by superiors and co-workers, as well as its assessment regarding prospects in the workplace,
motivational – checking how the assessment affects the work of the assessee
decision-making – it is the basis for personnel changes.
Employee opinion and satisfaction survey
The employee in the company is a key ambassador of the company in external relations and a source of ideas, creativity, but also resistance. Every company, regardless of size and industry, should be focused on the opinions and level of employee satisfaction.
We help companies in obtaining information from employees
by planning, organizing and conducting a survey of
employee opinions and satisfaction.
Thanks to this, decision-makers in the company
receive objective assessments showing complete
and up-to-date information about:
- the strengths and weaknesses of personnel policy,
- the mood prevailing in the organization,
- the level of awareness of the company's strategic goals
- the level of satisfaction with the management method,
- the causes and places of conflict,
- completed trainings and projects, etc.
Competence and knowledge management
Employee competences are a source of competitive advantage for companies in a knowledge-based society. However, effective competency management is a real challenge for most organization managers.
Together with our clients, we prepare job descriptions in order to build an optimal competence profile for each job position. Thanks to this, decision-makers receive information about what knowledge, experience, but also attitude, should be represented by an employee in a given position. We help the company's management to use the potential of its employees as effectively as possible and to direct their development.
It is often that resource in enterprises that remains exclusively in the minds of employees. The transfer of knowledge and experience is occasional and little orderly. In an economy where knowledge, idea and quick flow of information are the most important, knowledge management becomes a priority. Our task is to help our clients in the preparation of solutions that will be used to collect and use the knowledge available in the organization.



Researching employee
Outsourcing of personnel function
In a situation where a company wants to effectively perform the function of human resources management, but does not want to overload its employees with these processes, or does not have appropriate competences in this area, we provide support for the implementation of the personnel function in full or in a selected scope.
We use our constantly enriched knowledge, extensive
professional experience and state-of-the-art IT tools to
make each process as effective, transparent and
"friendly" as possible for decision-makers.
Wykorzystujemy do tego swoją, stale wzbogacaną, wiedzę,
szerokie zawodowe doświadczenie oraz najnowocześniejsze
narzędzia informatyczne, by każdy proces stał się maksymalnie
efektywny, przejrzysty i „przyjazny” dla decydentów.
Greater flexibility/ and easy scalability
More than 25% reduction/operating costs
Compliance with current regulations and regulations
Benefits of outsourcing based on KPMG and HFS studies.
The answer to
All Questions is
Do you serve customers from other cities?
Yes, thanks to the electronic flow of documents, the distance between you and us does not matter. Through the web version of our Merit ERP software, all invoices are sent directly to us. It is not necessary to collect invoices in binders and send them by mail. In this way, no invoice is lost and they are delivered to us on time.
How is our data and documents secure?
Your documents are stored on our third-party secure servers. It guarantees the highest standards of hosting service, a multiple copy of the record, and data encryption. The web version of our Merit ERP software also allows for free access and control over documents in electronic circulation.
Can I be calm about the continuity of the service?
Yes. The implementation of the service in the form of outsourcing transfers to us the obligation to maintain full availability and readiness of the team performing your tasks. In addition, our organization allows for replacement in unexpected situations.
Can I be assured of the duties entrusted to you?
Yes. We secure our activities with a high 5 millionth policy, which is an exception in the industry.
My company has several branches in various cities in Poland and abroad. Is outsourcing also for us?
Yes. The merger of a distributed organisation into a single external accounting unit enables real supervision and control over the whole organisation.
Our company is preparing for intense growth. Are you able to help us?
Yes, our multi-entity team has an ability to optimize resources at the same time.
Let our customers
tell you what cooperation
with Banach Outsourcing
looks like
Pozwól naszym
klientom, opowiedzieć
Ci jak wygląda współpraca
z Banach Outsourcing
Case Study
Case Study

The group manages 8 amusement parks from Belgium: in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland,
the Polish branch employs approx. 60 people. We have been cooperating since 2020.
The challenge
No chief accountant;
shared services centre
from Belgium (on SAP).
In order to optimize the financial burden for the customer and secure the area for him the most sensitive in Poland, and at the same time the most difficult to handle by CUW in Belgium, we finally agreed that we would conduct reporting and deal with the verification of sales invoices (Belgian employees do not speak Polish).

Nidec Corporation is a Japanese leader in the production of electric motors.
In Poland, it employs approx. 120 people. We have been cooperating since 2017.
The challenge
The disintegration of the accounting department. Emphasis on perfection and zero level of errors in payroll settlements due to, among others, employee pressure.
We have seconded an auditor to the company, who has sorted out the company's accounting matters – he has proved himself enough to be employed by the client. We are currently working on Nidec's payroll to ensure its expected highest level of quality.

The company under the QUIOSQEUE brand has approx. 150 stores
in 80 largest cities in Poland, also runs an online store.
We have been cooperating since 2020.
The challenge
No chief accountant; intricate organizational
structure (separated approx. 100 companies).
We organized the accounting of all companies, supported the process of restructuring the group, on a large scale. Currently, we conduct statutory reporting.

Stiga is a Swedish brand of gardening machinery manufacturer.
They employ approx. 60 people. They have been our client since 2018.
The challenge
Resignation from the main human resources work.
We efficiently took over the full spectrum of HR and payroll tasks, also in the field of PPK. We are currently implementing the HR Portal from Asseco.

Profitroom is a Poznań provider of SaaS technology
and hotel marketing services for hotels and apartments.
The company employs approx. 180 people.
We have been cooperating since 2021.
The challenge
Through prior contact and knowledge of the period of cooperation in Allegro, we were invited to conduct accounting matters, also due to our experience in working for companies from the hospitality industry. In addition, the client had difficulties communicating with staff in a foreign branch.
We have designed and implemented solutions as a shared service centre for the company – we have taken over the handling of the books in the German branch, we have dealt with the accounting in the British Isles and the Czech Republic, including registration for VAT purposes; we have left the handling of tax matters to foreign branches in accordance with local legislation.

It is a Scandinavian company present in Poland for over 30 years, based in Łódź.
They've been our client since 2021.
The challenge
Personnel problem within the company at the level of people dealing with finance and accounting. Sudden inaccessibility of the accounts within the deadline for submitting the VAT return. Customer's dependence on one person focusing on financial matters.
We prepared the VAT return on time, despite the lack of a formal takeover of the company and implementation into tasks; we efficiently took over the statutory reporting and tax matters; we received the liquidation of the branch in Belarus (instead of the BIG4 company) for implementation.
Effectiveness driving
We believe that the basis of good relations are quick reactions and efficient action,
which we owe to the availability of numerous management staff.
But what really distinguishes us is a genuinely individual approach.
Our clients' companies have one thing
in common. Each one is different.
We fit into the organizational
structures of our clients, instead of
reorganizing their work.
Every company has
completely different needs.
Therefore, we design each
service individually depending on
the situation, needs and expectations.
Each company has
completely different goals.
We deal with difficult, complex,
pre-tendent cases that seem
too difficult for competitors.

For a CFO to be able to strategically support the development of his or her organization, he or she must have the space to do so.
It achieves it when it ceases to be limited by the supervision of accounting matters and the tracking of changes in the law.
Katarzyna Banach
- President of the Management Board

Aby dyrektor finansowy
mógł strategicznie wspierać
rozwój swojej organizacji,
musi mieć na to przestrzeń.
Osiąga ją, gdy przestaje być
ograniczony nadzorem spraw księgowych i śledzeniem
zmian w przepisach prawa.
Katarzyna Banach
- prezes zarządu.
Let's talk
about your accounting.
Our publications
Is accounting outsourcing
just all advantages?
What to watch out for when entrusting
accounting to an external company?