Wherever you are.

We will take care of your company wherever it is.
We create a unique service model in which remote
cooperation is simple, pleasant and effective.
Let's talk about your business.

Write to us:

    You can also write to:

    Opening hours:

    MON-FRI: 08:00 – 16:00
    SAT-SUN: closed

    Telephone numbers:

    +48 61 631 10 94
    +48 61 631 10 00

    email: info@banachoutsourcing.pl

    Banach Outsourcing Sp. z o.o.

    Tax Identification [NIP] No.: 782-256-97-93
    Identification [REGON] No.: 302 668 916

    National Court Register [KRS] No.: 0000500888
    Share capital: PLN 50,500

    Sąd Rejonowy Poznań – Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu (District Court for Poznań – Nowe Miasto and Wilda)
    8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register

    Bank account: 21 1240 6625 1111 0010 7135 4760

    Branch in Poznań

    ul. Tylne Chwaliszewo 25
    61-103 Poznań

    Oddział Poznań

    ul. Tylne Chwaliszewo 25
    61-103 Poznań